Written from the Road

A Trickster Travelogue


We are all storytellers. Life weaves its mythology through form and sound.

Through the intimacy of our personal experiences.

Every living thing is speaking its story.


We are the storytellers, and we are the story. We are the way in which the grand yarn of creation is weaving this modern myth.

There are as many worlds as there are perspectives, and we hold their seeds within our imaginations.


Welcome to This Modern Myth

Our little corner of the internet.

A shaded place to park and share a story or two.

lookout point flare affinity 260x420
2017-06-25 at 17-31-50 00003 AF AR Flare AF final 2 260x420

Serious Play



We’re Amy and Kevin: tricksters, co-conspirators, nuzzlers, and digital nomads. In the early days of April 2017, we traded life-as-usual for life-on-the-road. We’ve been creating, loving, working, figuring out the conundrums of existence (and where to sleep next week ) while living on the road with our beloved Familiar, Maneki. But something's about to change...


Field Notes & Scouting Reports

